
Industrial decarbonization
1.09 Gt CO2
in 2023
-35% over the past decade
Financing climate policies
43.6 B€
in 2023
+1287% over the past decade
A flagship mechanism
Carbon pricing is the backbone of Europe’s climate policy. It has a demonstrated impact at scale and is being implemented globally. Over 18% of global emissions are covered by a market price.

Industrial decarbonization at scale

Carbon pricing incentivizes emission reduction. Verified emissions from European industries have dropped at a record pace and scale thanks to an ambitious carbon price over the past decade.

Financing public climate policies

Revenues from emission allowances fund public climate initiatives and new abatement technologies. They are redistributed with strict oversight.

Accelerate decarbonization trajectories

Until now, private investors were walled off from this market. Now, you can withhold allowances from industrial emitters and accelerate systemic change.

Pricing carbon serves two purposes


Transforming carbon-intensive industries

Decarbonation mechanism

Carbon pricing incentivizes decarbonation

The EU Emissions Trading Scheme creates a financial incentive for industries to decarbonize. European Allowances (EUAs) are the trade-off point between emitting CO2 or decarbonizing industrial processes.

If low-carbon technology is more expensive than EUAs, industries favor purchasing allowances.

As the price of EUAs rise and with it the cost of emitting CO₂, it is cost-effective to invest in cleaner technologies.

Currently, over 10,000 industrial sites arbitrage their capital investments against the cost of EUAs in the EU ETS.

Decarbonation mechanism

*EUA values are indicative for illustration purposes.


A proven decarbonization track record

The EU ETS is a large-scale, efficient mechanism that covers 38% of EU emissions and has achieved a 35.3% reduction in emissions over the past decade.

Its impact is precisely quantifiable thanks to strict monitoring, auditing, and continuous verification processes.

Industries adhere to robust carbon accountability systems and enforced compliance schedules. Non-compliance incurs a penalty fee of €100 per tonne, plus the vb carbon allowance price.

European institutions' rigorous oversight has forged an effective decarbonization tool with near-perfect compliance rates.

1.09 Gt CO₂
emitted in 2023
-35% over the past decade

Funding climate adaptation at scale

a redistributive mechanism

Carbon pricing funds large, ambitious climate projects

The revenues collected from EUAs are financing climate adaptation and mitigation projects  Europe wide.

They are redistributed to Member States and are used to finance national climate policies. A share of the revenues contributes to social, modernization, and innovation funds.

As the EUAs price increase, these revenues also increase.

Member States thus support high prices that reinforce fundamental public policies.

43.6 B€
in 2023
+1287% over the past decade

Climate project measure and transparency

Rigorous and transparent funds allocation

Funds collected through the EU ETS are allocated with strict oversight.

Numerous projects compete for funding from the EU ETS, but only the most effective ones in advancing decarbonization are selected.

From 2013 to 2022, EU ETS regulations mandated that 50% of the funds be invested into green projects. However, due to the bloc's ambitious goals, 79.87% of the funds collected during this period were actually invested in decarbonization efforts. Starting in 2024, 100% of the EUA proceeds will be dedicated to decarbonization initiatives.

Accredited EU ETS verifiers ensure that every euro collected from the sale of carbon allowances is transparently and solely invested for the purpose of decarbonization.

43.6 B€
allocated to projects in 2023
+1287% over the past decade
100% by 2024


A proven track-record

of EU Emissions covered by EU ETS in 2023
11 297
installations covered across 29 countries
Learn more


A successful model adopted globally

36 jurisdictions
covered by an ETS in the world
of the world’s emissions covered in 2023
Learn more

Accelerate emissions reduction trajectories


Withdraw permits from polluters

By holding EUAs, Homaio's clients confiscate allowances that won’t be available to emitters.

Unlocking the market to individuals increases demand on a fixed and capped supply. Therefore, each permit held by an individual investor is a permit that cannot be used by an industrial entity.

To guarantee this impact, Homaio physically holds EUAs in the European registry. We do not use derivatives or use synthetic trackers, which would wall off private investors from a direct, transparent impact.

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Long Term

Accelerate systemic change

By holding EUAs, Homaio's clients help make emission allowances a scarce commodity, increasing their value.

In simple terms, new demand for carbon allowances contributes to putting upwards pressure on their cost, accelerating both the pace of decarbonization and the availability of funding for public climate policies.

Individuals currently bear the burden of emissions in the form of increasing damages from climate change. By participating in this market, they contribute to shifting the cost from society back to industrial polluters, and aligning their individual interest with true environmental impact.

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Have a net positive impact even after selling

After selling their EUAs, private investors continue to have a net positive effect. 
This is because delaying emissions over time contributes to lower greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere.
Homaio finances research projects in partnership with foundations, universities, and laboratories to precisely quantify this impact.
Market-based carbon pricing is the fairest and most effective way of solving climate change, and the EU ETS is its most successful implementation.

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We unlocked the cornerstone of climate finance for private investors

Homaio gives you direct access to the flagship carbon pricing mechanism, driving industrial decarbonization at scale and massively funding climate policies. By investing, you withhold allowances from large emitters, you accelerate systemic change, and have a net positive impact even after divesting.

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